Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Why Waterproofing Is Important During New Construction

Water, water everywhere, and every drop could sink your building projects if you are not careful about your waterproofing. Flooding, water damage, and mold outdo fire as one of the leading causes of property damage to homes, and is a problem that buildings face all year round. When undergoing a new construction, you will want to make sure every stage goes off without a hitch, as delays caused by weather will cost you serious time and money.

Unfortunately, the costs of waterproofing tend to put many people off taking the necessary steps towards protecting their building sites from water damage. It is tempting to think of it as just being an expensive luxury, but this is not the case. Waterproofing your construction site is essential to a healthy, expedient project, as this article will endeavour to demonstrate.

#1 – You Must Protect Your Building’s Interior from Water Damage

For most of the time during construction, you may find the inner parts of your building exposed to the elements. Things like the frames, the foundations, wiring and insulation, as well as the floors. If you’re using concrete and steel the hazard is less prominent, although those metal parts may still rust, and concrete can still suffer damage, but it’s with wooden materials that the dangers of water really set in. If exposed to water for prolonged periods, the wood may begin to rot or become infested with mold, rendering the entire structure unsound and unfit for habitation.

Waterproofing your building materials during construction will help prevent this from occurring, promoting in your fledgling building a healthy, strong start. As you’ll be better protecting your materials from damage, it also prevents expensive delays and replacements, as you will not need to be repairing continuous damage either during construction or after it has been completed.

#2 – It Promotes Long-Term Comfort

Waterproofing your new construction site early helps you to start sealing it off more efficiently than trying to it after building has finished. The measures taken help reduce moisture in the interior of the building, which makes it more comfortable to live in, while also providing a foundation for further work later on.

Some permeability is desirable in the building to let humidity building up inside the structure to escape, however the trick is allowing this while still keeping the moisture out. Such measures are easier to achieve as the building is being constructed. After the fact, you’ll probably require expensive reconstruction work to fit it all in properly. Thinking about this early can help prevent headaches about the matter later.

#3 – It Prevents Flooding in Basements

Basements in particular are vulnerable to moisture seeping within them. Water soaks through the soil and quickly leaks through cracks and fissures within the concrete, which can lead to flooding as well as mold and mildew. During the winter, this moisture will then freeze, causing it to expand and force the cracks open wider and making the problem worse. Eventually, the entire basement could be rendered unsafe.

As the basement is being built, it is essential to take steps to keep them waterproof and seal them off from moisture. Be sure to protect the foundations of the building as well, as doing so will promote the long-term stability of the structure.

#4 – It Saves Money

While the costs of waterproofing may initially seem like a severe blow to your budget, it is best to think of it as a long-term investment that makes money during the building’s lifetime. Much like installing insulation or double-glazed windows, waterproofing your new construction is a measure undertaken for the future, and will quickly save you money in the long run.

Think about things in this way: would you rather invest money now in a strong, secure house that requires minimal repairs from water damage caused by leaking basements or walls, or have to fork out cash for those repairs continuously for the rest of your time in it?

Further, do you want to run the risk of losing the building entirely because water damage has rendered it uninhabitable? Build your houses on stone, not on sand. Build for the future, and you will be better prepared for when the rains come. There are many excellent companies out there that specialize in waterproofing to include Raleigh Waterproofing Inc.

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